Software Vault: The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS 2
The Software Vault BBS Collection 2 (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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║ dBase Files and Utilities ║
AECLIPI.ZIP Find index key of DBase NDX, NTX, MDX, or IDX.
ALHNEW.ZIP A collection of templates for DBase IV.
APICK.ZIP Scrolling, Multiple Element Light Bar.
ARROW11.ZIP A Mouse Pop-Up Arrow with Col/Row in Corner.
ATC101.ZIP Find Position of Nth Occurrence Of A Character.
ATSAY.ZIP Use @ Says to Redirect Output To Disk File.
BACKDOOR.ZIP Allows Users A Temporary Password to A PRG.
BASCSTAT.ZIP Statistical Compilation System for Tabulation.
BAZIAN.ZIP Save and Restore Arrays To/from Disk Files.
BELLTEST.ZIP Plays Musical Notes Under Your Control.
BIOSM.ZIP Find Out How Much Memory Your PC Has.
BITWIS.ZIP Manipulate Individual Bits of Computer Memory.
BLACKBOX.ZIP Fox Routines for Pop-up Definable Windows.
BMACS.ZIP Macros to Help with Screen Drawing.
BPUPICK.ZIP Point & Shoot Record Picker for FoxBase > 2.1.
BRIEFMAC.ZIP Macros to Build Memvars & "REPLACE" for A DBF.
BRKLNCLP.ZIP Load Dan Bricklin's Screens Into A DBF.
BRODEM.ZIP Browse, Edit and Append DBFs.
BROWSE86.ZIP Demo of An Enhanced Version Of Browse.
BROWSER2.ZIP Browse UDF. Update/non-update Mode, Memo Fields.
CAL5.ZIP Demo of "@ Prompt To" in Nested For/next Loop.
CAPSTR.ZIP Proper Capitalization of First Letter Of Word.
CCCFUNC.ZIP Financial (FV, Pmt, NPV) Date, State Validate.
CDINDB3.ZIP Carrier Detect Routines for WordTech Compiler.
CHECKCFG.ZIP Check CONFIG.SYS for Files / Buffers.
CHKNDXPO.ZIP Reads NDX File and Verifies Sync with DBF.
CIFUVAL.ZIP Financial Calculations Includes Compound Interest.
CLIP2WP5.ZIP Translate Data From DBase to WordPerfect.
CLIPFORM.ZIP PRG to Indent/Print/Optionally Number Line.
CLOSESP.ZIP Close An Open 3Com 3+ LAN Spool File.
CLRSET.ZIP Color Modifier for Object Professional Loadable Colorsets.
CLSHADOW.ZIP Create and Restore Drop-Shadow Boxes.
COLORCHG.ZIP Let Users Select There Own Colors.
COLORS2.ZIP Make a set color string from a color screen.
COMMAS.ZIP Convert Files Delimited with " to Comma.
COMPDBF.ZIP Compare Structures of Two Or More DBFs.
CONTINUE.ZIP Prompt User to CONTINUE Or ABORT Operation.
CONVDB.ZIP Convert ASCII Data Files to DBF.
CONVERTX.ZIP DBase 3 PRG to Add Soundex To A DBF.
COPYPR.ZIP Store ROM BIOS Checksum Copy in DOS System File.
CREATDIR.ZIP Get Valid Directory Name & Create If Not Exist.
CREATFX.ZIP Netware 386 3.0 FIX for "ACCESS DENIED" If File Exists.
CRSONOF2.ZIP Enhanced Cursor On/off for All Monitors.
CSTECH.ZIP DBF File of FoxPro Technical Notes.
D4DRIVER.ZIP Printer Drivers for DBase IV. No Documents.
DATADICT.ZIP Builds a data dictionary from DBF's.
DATADUMP.ZIP Auto Wraps Fields Properly Up to 232 Columns.
DATASCAN.ZIP PRG Source Code From Data Based Advisor.
DATATYPE.ZIP Replace Date Or Numeric Fields with 2 Character Strings.
DB18.ZIP View DBF Files in A BBS Door.
DB2WP.ZIP Convert DBase DBF File to WP Merge Format.
DB3DIR11.ZIP Put Directory Data Into A DBase III DBF File.
DB3FKEYS.ZIP Stores Function Keys to DBF File.
DB3MMPO.ZIP Convert DBase III Data to WordStar MailMerge.
DB3MOUSE.ZIP Use A Microsoft Mouse in DbaseIII+.
DB3NOTES.ZIP Many GOOD Inside DBase Notes.
DB3P11.ZIP Patch DBase III Plus to Stop Signon.
DB3PLOGO.ZIP Patch DBase III to Eliminate Logo.
DB3PLUSP.ZIP Shorten Opening Logo to A Few Milliseconds.
DB3PLUSU.ZIP Unprotect DBase III Plus Ver 1.1.
DB3STRU4.ZIP Display Structure of A DBase File From DOS.
DB3TONE.ZIP Make Sounds of A Given Duration and Frequency.
DB3UNP10.ZIP ZAP for Different Prolocks DB3+ V1.0.
DB3UNP11.ZIP ZAP for Different Prolocks DB3+ V1.1.
DB3V110.ZIP Debug Install. to Unprotect DBase III V1.1.
DB3V30.ZIP Third Version. Deals with Both Prolok Versions.
DB4MAN.ZIP A Dbase IV Database Program.
DB4MEMO.ZIP Convert DBase IV Files with Memo to DBase III.
DB4RPT.ZIP Dbase IV Report Writer.
DBASECOM.ZIP Control comm ports in DB 3+. Use with tcomm.
DBASEDT3.ZIP A text editor for your program.
DBASE_C.ZIP Read, Write DB 2 Files with "C" in CP/Mode.
DBCAT.ZIP DbCat allows you to manipulate CIS catalogs in dBase.
DBDBAK31.ZIP Backup Huge DBFs, Format Diskettes, Diskcopy.
DBDIAL1.ZIP Dial A Telephone Number with A Hayes Modem.
DBDIR8.ZIP Displays Info DBase III, IV On DBF Files.
DBDMOUSE.ZIP Demo Version of MSMouse Menu Interface.
DBDSCRL5.ZIP New Method of Presenting DBF Data On Screen.
DBDUMP2.ZIP Displays DBF Structure and Contents of Records.
DBEDEM.ZIP Demo the Basics of The DBEDIT() Functions.
DBEDIT10.ZIP A Command Line Editor for DBase II and III.
DBEXT.ZIP DBase III-IV Module. Windows, Scroll Screen, Draw Boxes.
DBFLOOK.ZIP Small, Fast Tool to View/Modify the Contents of .DBF Files.
DBLIST10.ZIP Utility That Lists .DBF Files in SDF, Dbase List, Etc. Forma
DBPROAPP.ZIP A Callable DBase III+ Shell.
DBRANDM.ZIP Algorithms for Generating Random Numbers.
DBSCREEN.ZIP Saves/Restores Screens To/From Disk File.
DBSCRNPO.ZIP Build DBase III Screens in the Background.
DBSM21.ZIP Maintain Dictionary, Structures, and Documents.
DBSW.ZIP Change DBase Commands to Upper/Lower Text.
DBTCK133.ZIP Diagnose/Repair Dbase 3, 3+, and 4 Memo Files.
DBTCK151.ZIP PRG to Check & Fix MEMO Problems in DBASE.
DBTOMM.ZIP Use DBase 2/3 Files in Multimate Mailmerge.
DBTREE3.ZIP Produce An Indented Tree of All DBase PRG Files.
DBTRIEVE.ZIP Program Does Weighted Retrieval of "Near Fit".
DBU161.ZIP WordTech QS. Lists All Files Used in A Tree.
DBUNIQUE.ZIP Locates Duplicate Records in A DBF.
DBUTIL.ZIP A Collection of Compiled MS-C 4.0 Routines.
DBVIEW14.ZIP A Simple Stand Alone DBF File Viewer.
DBVIEW20.ZIP DBVIEW v2.0: DOS database file viewer for dBASE III+/IV/FoxP
DBX100.ZIP Convert DB3 Files to Comma Delimited Files.
DCHOICE.ZIP Select Items From Array Presented On Screen.
DCRUNC95.ZIP Compact DBase Code, Trims, 4 Letter Commands.
DCRUNCH.ZIP Trims DBase Code. Speeds Operations.
DCTORD.ZIP Convert String to True Dictionary Order.
DDIAL.ZIP Dail A Phone Using A Hayes Compatible Modem.
DEBBI.ZIP Use 3270 Emulation Board to Exchange Data.
DEBUGDB2.ZIP PRG Source for PRG Indenter/bug Finder.
DED341.ZIP O_ASIZE Function Using Buffered File I/O.
DEVELOP.ZIP Outputs Standard PRG Header Into PRG File.
DEXPERT.ZIP A DBF Based Text Management System. HELP!.
DFREQ.ZIP Frequency / Cross Tabs for User Selected Fields.
DIALDEMO.ZIP Dial Phone Number with DOS INT Function.
DIF14.ZIP Convert ASCII Text Into Comma Delimited.
DIFOUT.ZIP DBase to DIF File Conversion.
DINDENT.ZIP DBase II, III Source Code Indenter.
DINDENTC.ZIP DBASE Source Code Indenter.
DINFO4.ZIP Dbase Utility.
DIRDBF.ZIP Create DBF Files with Directory List As Records.
DIREXIST.ZIP Determine If A Directory Exists.
DIRINX.ZIP Display Index Files and Keys From DOS Prompt.
DIRSEEK.ZIP Pick Files From A Menu Or Picklist.
DIRX.ZIP Create A DBase III DBF of Filenames in Curent Directory.
DISKREAD.ZIP Check drive A, B, C, or D for ready state.
DISKSPAC.ZIP Check free disk space.
DISMLR.ZIP Map field names between the two DBFs.
DISPREC.ZIP Display Record, Move Previous / Next.
DMSCOLOR.ZIP Program to Help Select Screen Colors.
DOTS.ZIP Control Trailing Characters in A String in dBase.
DPAINT.ZIP Screen Generator and Painter for DBase.
DPROG131.ZIP Code Generator for DBase III Screens.
DQ20.ZIP Generate Complex Queries for DBase 2,3,3+,4.
DSMEM13.ZIP Memory Resident Version of the DScar Program.
ENCODE.ZIP A Password Encryption Program Protects Your Computer.
ERRHIST.ZIP Demonstrates Use of the ON ERROR Command.
EXAMMEM.ZIP Description of DBase MEM File Structure.
EXBOXES.ZIP Display Exploding Boxes, Imploding Screen.
EXTRACT.ZIP Perform wild card search on character fields.
EXTRACTF.ZIP Extracts Functions and Procedures From DBase.
EZDBASE.ZIP Screen Generator for DBase II and III.
EZSEARCH.ZIP Add, Edit, View and Search dBase Records.
FASTPACK.ZIP Pack DBase III+ and IV Files Faster.
FDF19B.ZIP Indents & Checks DBASE Language Source Code.
FILESP.ZIP Parse and Verify Users Path/Filename Input.
FILEXFER.ZIP Copy A DBF File to Floppy Disk in SDF Format.
FINFUNC.ZIP Calculate Loan Payments, PV, Term, FV, Etc.
FIRSTCAP.ZIP Capitalizes the First Letter of Words.
FIXDBASE.ZIP Checks Data in A DB3+ DBF for Consistency.
FLAG2.ZIP Locate Probable Duplicate Records in A DBF.
FLGEN.ZIP Merge DBF Fields Into A Form Letter.
FLIPSTR.ZIP Reverses Up to A 60 Character String.
FLOATDLR.ZIP Right Justify, Float the Dollar Sign and Insert Commas.
FNKLST12.ZIP List All Functions/Procs Used in A PRG File.
FOXSCRL.ZIP Method of Presenting Data On Screen.
FRM2PR23.ZIP Converts DBase III FRM Files to PRG Code.
FSEEK.ZIP S'87, Advanced 'SEEK" Capabilities Across Multiple DBFs.
FUNCMESS.ZIP Several Message Lines with A Y/N Response.
FUNCTLST.ZIP Norton Guides Directory for Boatswain's Mate.
FUVAL.ZIP Calculate Interest Rates, Periods, Payments, FV.
FWDB.ZIP How to - Framework To DBase Data Conversion.
GENDBF.ZIP Creates A FoxBase + DBF From Nothing.
GENIMP.ZIP Import/Export of ASCII Text To/From DBFs with Various Delims
GETCALC.ZIP Format Numbers and Do Calculations On Gets.
GETKEYS.ZIP Extract the Index Key From An Index File.
GETVALID.ZIP Full Screen Data Entry Validation.
HANDLES.ZIP Print Number of Available DOS File Handles in DBase.
HELPSAMP.ZIP How to Have Windowed Help with QS and DBXL.
HOTDIAL.ZIP Dial Numbers with Hayes Modem in Quicksilver.
HPPLOT11.ZIP Functions to Control An HP7475A Plotter.
INDXKEY2.ZIP Read Index Files and Display Key Expressions.
INFDB.ZIP Convert Informix Files to the DBase III Format.
INTEGRIT.ZIP Check the Integrity of An Index File.
ISINSERT.ZIP Determines the Status of The INS Key.
ISPRIN.ZIP Check the Status of Any LPT Device.
JKGRAPH.ZIP Display Line, Bar, and Other Graphs From DBF Files.
JULIANCL.ZIP Convert Dates to and From Julian Format.
KEYLOCK3.ZIP Set Capslock and NumLock State to On And Off.
KEYPRESS.ZIP Do Character By Character Validation On Field.
LANPROC.ZIP FoxBase+ Source Code for Multiuser Appends From Remotes.
LBARGEN.ZIP Lightbar Menu Generator in Turbo Pascal.
LBARMENU.ZIP Light Bar Menu Program. Sample Source Code.
LBLANOM.ZIP Fix for DBASE IV Label Generator.
LIB194.ZIP DBASE Users Function Library V1.94.
LINECNT.ZIP Counts Number of Lines/Comments in PRG Files.
LISTDBF.ZIP Writes Selected Fields to ASCII Text File.
LISTSTRU.ZIP Display Structure of DBase III/IV DBF File.
LJMACRO.ZIP Manage LaserJet Macros and Overlays. Tutorial.
LOGO1A.ZIP Display A Series of Overlapping Boxes.
LOOKDBED.ZIP Lookup Data in A Second DBF Using DbEdit.
LOWLVLIO.ZIP Display Updating Graphs with Copy Or Print.
LSTGRF.ZIP Documents QuickSilver/dbXL Graph From DOS.
LTRUTL.ZIP Creates Form Letters Directly From DBF Files.
MAC3.ZIP Recall and Edit Last 10 DBase III Commands.
MAKDBF.ZIP Creates All DBFs Needed From A Master DBF.
MAKELINK.ZIP Creates MAK, LNK, and compile BAT from the SNAP.
MAKENDX.ZIP Create DBase III+ index files from DOS.
MAKEPROC.ZIP Generates Procedures Based On DBF File.
MAKLNK.ZIP Creates A MAK and LNK File Without Overlays.
MARGIN.ZIP Prints a string with hi bits stripped.
MAXPRINT.ZIP Use the Inkey Function to Pause Printing Jobs.
MBARS.ZIP A Lotus-like Bar Benu Program Generator.
MCAV.ZIP Array Variables Containing the DBF Structure.
MDX10.ZIP Lists structure of DBase IV MDX Files.
MDXFIX12.ZIP Modifies Header of DBase IV MDX Files.
MEMO2CHR.ZIP Convert memo fields into DBF of "C" Strings.
MEMOFIX.ZIP Allows 70 Column Printing of Memo Fields.
MEMOPACK.ZIP Self Contained Memo Field Packer.
MEMOSH.ZIP Display Memo in A Window Without Memoedit().
MEMREP.ZIP Initialize/Replace Mem Variables From DBF.
MEMTEST2.ZIP Test Handling of Memory Variables, Arrays.
MENGEN.ZIP Create Light-Bar Menus for DBase III+.
MENTEM2.ZIP Two menu front ends generated from Wallsoft.
MENUBIN.ZIP DBase III-IV Professional Looking Menus.
MENUFNCT.ZIP A Ring Menu System for QuickSilver Compiler.
MERGER.ZIP Do Simple Mailmerges with A RUN Command.
MKINVDIR.ZIP Creates Hidden Subdirectory.
MOLABEL.ZIP Menu Driven Label Printer.
MULCO303.ZIP Program creates multiple column listings from ASCII text.
MULMENU.ZIP A Menu System From Nantucket News.
NEWCBIN.ZIP Do Generalized Interrupt and BIOS Calls.
NEWHEADB.ZIP BASIC Routine to Repair A DB3 File Header.
NGCLONE.ZIP A Good Shareware Clone of the Norton Guide Viewer.
NGDD12.ZIP A Decompiler for Norton Guides Databases.
NG_CXL51.ZIP Norton Guide Database for CXL Function Library.
NLFIX2.ZIP Fix for NetLib Problems When Spooling.
NTX2DBF.ZIP Make Each NTX Store the Name of Its DBF File.
NTXMET.ZIP Put A Progress Bar On Screen As You INDEX ON.
NUMLOK.ZIP BIN Routines for DBase III.
OKDOSNAM.ZIP Expand and Verify A DOS File Name.
OLYMPIA.ZIP FoxPRO's SYS(1), SYS(10), and SYS(11) in DB4.
ONERROR.ZIP An Error Handler for DBase III+ Applications.
OPNMODES.ZIP Demo the Different DOS File Open Modes.
OUTFILE.ZIP Convert DBF to Flat File with Choice of Delim.
PACKER.ZIP Two Faster DBF Packers. FastPack and Packit.
PACKNTX.ZIP Templates to Pack and Index DBF Files.
PARTIN.ZIP Build Index of Selected Records in DBF.
PASSWD.ZIP Password Maintenance Program with PRG Source.
PCWFKEY.ZIP Improve Use of DBase III Function Keys.
PDSCROLL.ZIP Generic Scrolling Pick-list Routines.
PFLIST.ZIP Generate A List of Proc/Func From A MAK File.
PLAYS.ZIP Plays Back Keystrokes From A Macro.
PLUSUTIL.ZIP Source for Indenter and Documentor.
POLISH.ZIP Collection of simple date and time functions.
POPCALC6.ZIP Pop-up Calculator for DBase IV, with PRG Source.
POPGEN.ZIP Format file template for DBase IV by Nason.
PRE307.ZIP A Preprocessor for DBase.
PRGFMT.ZIP Program That Will Indent DBase Source Code.
PRINMEMO.ZIP Writes Memo Field to An ASCII File.
PRINTIT.ZIP Use Two DBF's to Print ASCII Text Files.
PRNTCHK.ZIP Check Printer Status in DBase II, III, III+.
PRNTEST.ZIP Build A Printer Status Checker.
PRNULL.ZIP Source to Allow Sending Chr(0) To Printer.
PRTSETUP.ZIP Store Printer Control Codes to A MEM File.
PSTRU.ZIP Select Multiple DBFs with AChoice().
QB3DB.ZIP QuickBASIC Library for Interfacing with DBase.
QBASE11.ZIP Quick/Intuitive Query Reporting of DBF Files.
QBM100.ZIP Let Users Determine What They Want in Reports.
QSMA11.ZIP A Make Utility for QuickSilver Compiler.
QSUDFS.ZIP 25 QuickSilver UDFs: Expand, Fldcount, Header, Isunique, Etc
QUICKFIX.ZIP Repair Corrupted DBase III DBF Files.
RANDOMDB.ZIP Generate Random Numbers. PRG Source.
READDBF.ZIP C Source to Display Contents of Any DBF File.
REDENT2.ZIP DBase Source Code Indentor Written in DBase.
RELAX.ZIP File Backup and Recovery System Usind DBF.
REPANOM.ZIP Fix for DBASE IV Report Generator.
REPORT.ZIP Store Report Specifications in A DBF File.
ROLLSCRN.ZIP Scroll A Rectangular Part of the Screen.
ROZ.ZIP Creat Templates for WallSoft's UI Programmer.
RPT_HEAD.ZIP Add A 4 Line Header to Beginning of Reports.
RRPRN.ZIP How to Get Printer From R&R.CNF File.
S9301.ZIP Dbase Advisor Source Code - Jan 93.
SCALE.ZIP DBXL / QuickSilver Access to External Ports.
SCR2MEM.ZIP Take A Snapshot of the Screen to A Disk File.
SCRLBOX.ZIP Show A Scrolling Window of Records to User.
SCROLL10.ZIP Scroll Text Across Screen Like A Billboards.
SDF2DB.ZIP Convert An SDF File to A DBF File.
SEARCH21.ZIP Creates A Tree Including Labels and Reports.
SELFLDS.ZIP Picklist for An Array of Character Strings.
SENATOR.ZIP Dbase Compatible Files Listing All Senators, Addresses, Etc.
SERIALNO.ZIP Put S/N Into Applications Without Recompile.
SFYESNO.ZIP Very Elaborate Y/N Query/response Function.
SHOOT11.ZIP Point and Shoot From A Data Base File.
SHOWRECS.ZIP Print A Formatted List of the Contents Of DBF.
SHOWTIME.ZIP A UI Dot Prompt Interpretor.
SIDEWAYS.ZIP Print DBase Reports Up to 500 Columns Wide.
SIMULTAN.ZIP Solve Up to 10 Simultaneous Linear Equations.
SLR2AX.ZIP Crippled Version of Scan-Alyzer Documentor.
SNAP402D.ZIP Documentation System for DBase Programs.
SNPKEY.ZIP Key Word Lists for SNAP! 4.01 Documentor.
SOFTC113.ZIP Turbo C Library for DBase DBF and NDX Files.
SORTSRC.ZIP Performe Bubble Sorts On Arrays.
SPLITIT.ZIP Split A Name String Into First, Middle, Last.
SQRT.ZIP Calculate the Square Roots of Numbers.
STCHECK.ZIP Check States/Canadian Provinces for Validity.
STEPBACK.ZIP Converts DBase IV Files Back to DBase III.
STRFUN.ZIP Get Delimited Fields Or "Tokens" From Strings.
STRINGS.ZIP Encryption/Cconversion of Foreign Characters.
STRUCOMP.ZIP Compare the Structures of DBFs.
SUBSET.ZIP Create A Subset of An NTX File.
SUB_SET.ZIP Create A Subset of An NTX File.
SUPERFMT.ZIP Allows Data Entry Gets On Multiple Screens.
SUPRWRDS.ZIP Keyword File for SNAP! 4.01 By W. Kennamer.
SWAPPER.ZIP A "RUN" Command with Nearly All 640K Free.
SWAPSCRN.ZIP Write Screens to Alternate Pages of Memory.
SWITCH26.ZIP Now Sold As "Hold Everything" By SMS.
SYUNI2.ZIP See If Values in An Index File Are Unique.
T3TILI.ZIP Source for Network Appends, File Opens, Etc.
TAGIT.ZIP Display An Array and Let User Tag Items.
TALLY3.ZIP Takes A Count of Entries in Selected Fields.
TBASEE.ZIP Put .PCX Images On A Text Screen with DBase.
TDBAR.ZIP Prints CODE 39 BARCodes On An HP Laserjet II.
TESTBOX.ZIP A Way of Picking Colors in An Application.
THELIB23.ZIP Variety of S'87 UDFs. Docs and LIB Included.
TPCBLINT.ZIP Now, Eight Background (Hi Intensity) Colors.
TPCCHFN.ZIP Change A Fieldname in A DBF Without Rewrite.
TPCDBTEM.ZIP Create A Template DBF File On the Fly.
TPCFDBR.ZIP Fade Or Brighten Areas of the Screen.
TPCKEYBL.ZIP DBase/FoxBase BIN - Turn Keyboard Off/On.
TPCRBOOT.ZIP DBase/FoxBase BIN - Warm Or Cold Boot of PC.
TPCWRAP.ZIP DBase/FoxBase BIN - Implement Wordwrap.
TRH4FOX.ZIP Pop-up Online Help for FoxPRO.
TRYVAL.ZIP Demonstration of Inkey and Readvar Functions.
T_CLIP.ZIP Reverse the Order of Characters in A String.
UGRAPH.ZIP Generate Bar/Scatter Graphs From DBF Data.
UIGENLOK.ZIP A New Zooming General SeARCh Option Window.
UINIT.ZIP Creates Database and Indexes If Not Present.